Aberdeen Student Show is a musical and theatrical show, usually with a strong comedic element, staged every year in Aberdeen, Scotland. Its purpose is to raise money for charity, as part of the Aberdeen Students’ Charities Campaign.
It is traditionally performed by students involved in tertiary education in Aberdeen. It is generally written and produced by students, or former students, of the city’s universities or colleges of further education.
The cast is made up of volunteer students. They rehearse each new show for four weeks during the Easter academic holiday. The following week they perform the show, generally in the evenings, in front of paying audiences.
The Student Show has been produced every year in Aberdeen without a break since 1921, including throughout World War II.
It remains the longest-running student charity show of its kind in the UK.
Visit the current Student Show website here.
Visit the Aberdeen Students’ Charities Campaign webpage here.
Follow Student Show on Facebook here.
The Student Show wikipedia page is here.