Mock Trial (1921)


In 1920, at the prompting of the authorities at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) of the University of Aberdeen University established a series of fund-raising events in aid of local hospitals; central to which was the annual Gala Week.

In 1921 the Gala Week opened with the first Student Show, a Mock Trial held on 29th April 1921 in the Debating Chamber of Marischal College.

Extract from ‘The Aberdeen University Review’, VOL. VIII, No. 24, June 1921


The students’ “gala week” in aid of the funds of the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, which was so successfully initiated last year, was renewed this year, the Sick Children’s Hospital being this time included in the beneficent work to which the students devoted themselves so generously and whole-heartedly. The series of entertainments was opened on the evening of Friday, 29 April, with a mock trial of a breach of promise case in the Debating Hall at Marischal College, and this trial proved so diverting and attractive that a ” repeat ” performance had to be given. A variety concert took place in the Debating Hall on the Tuesday evening, and Wednesday was dedicated to a “Unique Sports Day” at the King’s College grounds.

Altogether, the gala week realized £2350, from which, however, the expenses incurred during the week had to be deducted. A cheque for £50 was received from a Professor who “always appreciates the activities of the students”.